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Mechanical & Electrical Design

At the forefront of innovative MEP services design, BTP has unrivalled experience delivering low energy, award winning designs and solutions. From high-performance buildings to carbon positive housing developments, BTP applies leading-edge tools to solve complex, systemic challenges and provide for a more sustainable future.

Energy Efficient Design

Dynamic thermal analysis software is used for energy, carbon comfort and thermal modelling. We use TAS software from EDSl, which is a simulation tool capable of performing hourly dynamic thermal simulation for any building.

The modelling software is validated in accordance with BS EN ISO Standards 13791, 13792, 15255 and 15265. 

Once developed the virtual model is a powerful design tool and it is used to review alternative energy strategies, comparing running costs, evaluating alternative fuels, renewable feasibility, fabric improvements, minimising overheating, improving comfort, daylight control to name a few. 

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Air Permeability & Control 

Energy can be wasted unintentionally by poor controls and unwanted infiltration. But how much running cost could be saved with improvements? A sensitivity analysis will provide payback savings by modelling the improvements to air tightness, set point adjustment, improvement in room controls and plant operation. 

Renewable Technologies

We provide independent design advice for all forms of energy reduction, renewable and recovery systems. 

With extensive experience in both the design, on-site monitoring and commissioning of these particular systems we can advise on suitability of a particular technology, capital cost, payback periods, robustness of technology, embodied carbon, in-use carbon, spatial considerations, noise emissions and all aspects of suitability for a particular project. 

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Fabric Performance

Thermal insulation is often considered to be the most cost effective investment when considering the life cycle cost and in-use carbon carbon emissions from buildings. 

For new build, an optimum level of insulation can always be calculated which needs to consider thickness of insulation, impact on internal areas, area/window ratios, summer overheating impact, capital cost and running cost savings. 

Energy Strategy & Carbon Reduction Strategy

Whether required due to planning conditions, client brief, BREEAM/LEED compliance, investor end user driven, and Energy Strategy fundamental to many projects and is best completed at an early stage in the design process.


An energy strategy will identify key areas of a building design including fabric performance, primary energy sources, efficiency and energy recovery systems, renewable energy requirements and the associated benefit of each and compliance with conditions if required. 

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Site Evaluation & Utility Infrastructure

We provide knowledge and experience working with the utility infrastructure sector aligned with practical experience of low energy and sustainable engineering solutions. 

Reducing risk and providing programme certainty, the early competitive tendering of this important element has signifiant benefits to many projects. 

Empirical Testing & Load Data Analysis

Analysing an existing building by testing and measuring fabric performance can provide significant improvements to energy and carbon consumption, often reducing running costs, improving comfort and reducing damage to the fabric of a building. 


Arranging testing and interpreting results of both intrusive and non-intrusive surveys such as thermographic and air leakage testing contributes to the energy strategy for many retrofit and refurbishment projects.


Where historic metered energy and water data is available this can be interrogated, interpreted and compared to benchmark data to evaluate historical performance and efficiency. 


When used in parallel with a detailed dynamic simulation model, a calibrated model can be generated, and used to predict more accurate improvements. 

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Thermal Comfort and Daylight Studies

These studies provide quantitative assessment to help design buildings that are both thermally comfortable and provide optimal daylight conditions for occupant wellbeing and energy reduction. 

Increasingly a requirement of planning applications and BREEAM assessments, BTP can provide high-quality input to help develop design and provide the necessary documentation to satisfy planning conditions, BREEAM targets or similar. 

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